Monday, 13 October 2014

Talk to each other. Not about each other.

What is the point in bitchiness? It doesn't solve anything. 

People judge each other all the time without getting to know each other first. Why? Is it their clothes? Their hair? Their make up? 

I have to admit I often sit in the pub with my friends and check out other peoples outfit choices. That doesn't mean to say that I turn to my friends and say "look at what she's wearing, that must mean she is a horrible person" NO. More often than not I will check out someone's outfit, turn to my friends and be like "Oh my Gosh I love her shoes" (99% of time its the shoes I notice first) or "Oh wow I love her top" or "Wow I wouldn't have thought of putting that together but it looks awesome". That doesn't mean I judge their personality! Or whether or not they are a nice person!!  

I tend to avoid saying things behind peoples backs. If someone is annoying me on a particular day I will tend to avoid them rather than be super sweet to their face. 

It annoys me how much people moan to me about other people that I am friends with.  If you don't like that person or they have done something to annoy you I won't tell the other person - I hate people that tell someone that someone has said about them. It's unnecessary. It causes unwanted tension between those people and you look like a total snitch bitch and you completely go against their trust. They confide in you with the expectation you won't tell anyone else, especially the person of topic, the worst thing you could do is tell other people. It makes you worse than the person doing the bitching. So, by all means, tell me who, what, why but don't expect me to join in bitching about my friend. 

The worst I'll say to someone else is "*** is driving me nuts today, I'm just gonna stay out of their way" and then I'll leave it at that. There is no point in bitching. It just makes you bitter. And it also makes other people worried about what you say about them behind their backs, even if you don't, and they may not think they can fully trust you. 

A lot of the time bitchiness is caused by someone talking about someone else without knowing all the details. They'll say that someone did something and it will turn out they did something else. 

What I am saying is instead of talking about each other, talk to each other, spend the time in getting to know others instead of wasting your breath on things that really don't matter. Yeah you may feel annoyed, but that feeling will soon pass, there is no point in making things so much worse by bitching and moaning. It can cause so much hurt and upset for not just the other person but for yourself as well. There is no point in making yourself unhappy over nothing for longer than necessary when life should be spent living and feeling happy xx

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