Thursday, 2 October 2014

Life is short. But it is the longest thing you'll ever experience.

There has been a lot that has happened lately that has made me realise just how short life is. So make the most of the time that you have. 
There is no point in wasting time over silly little things, like not having the latest phone, the latest clothes or even if a certain guy/girl likes you or not. If things are meant to be they will be. There are bigger things out there that should take up your time. 
Life shouldn't be wasted worrying - it should be spent exploring the world, spending time with your friends and family - you should be having fun and being happy! 

In the last few weeks a few people I have known through others have tragically been taken from our lives. One tragic event that has really stuck with me is a fatal motorbike accident which happened a little under three weeks ago. Two young guys had been out for a group ride with a few others to Devils Dyke. On the way home their bikes collided with a land rover at a junction. It resulted in the loss of the two young lives of Luke Power and Tom Dawes. Two best friends who were taken from their friends and families in such an awful way at such a young age. They were only nineteen and twenty. Now I didn't know them personally, but a few of my close friends did, and I did have the pleasure of meeting them once or twice. They were both lovely lads who didn't deserve to lose their lives so young. 

This one really stuck with me as I woke up on the morning of Monday 7th September to my Facebook news feed totally full with grieving friends of these two guys. It took me a while to realise what was going on but when I did it was a total shock. I drove to work in silence that morning. Which for those who actually know me is something pretty unheard of, my music is usually blasting for everyone to hear. 

It's in the aftermath of tragic events like these that make you realise just how fragile and precious life is. It makes you realise just how mortal all us humans are. You never know what is going to happen later that day let alone tomorrow or next week. 

This post wasn't meant to be depressing in any way. The point of my post is: 
make the most of life 

Life is short. But it is the longest thing you'll ever experience. So enjoy it. There is no point in wishing it away. One day you'll wake up and regret all the negative thoughts willing life to hurry up. You'll wish you had lived more and had more fun. 

Don't put things off until tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. Do them today. 

Don't be afraid to try new things. Don't be afraid to grow up. You learn as you grow so make the most of it. 

Experience happiness, sadness, hurt and anger. But don't let things get you too down. There's always another brighter day. Remember everyone has down days. You've just got to pick yourself up, brush yourself off and tell yourself you're stronger than you think. You'll be okay. Honest.

So. Live a little. Laugh a lot. Love as much as you can. And above all - be happy! xx

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